My Projects

Some cool things I've worked on


A Quick Summary

My technological expertise includes Python, C, Java, JavaScript (Vanilla, Node.js, React.js, Typescript), and HTML/CSS. I've built full-stack websites with Node.js, Flask, and Django, and created APIs. I have experience with HIPAA-compliant and NDA-protected projects, emphasizing privacy and security. In programming language research, I use Racket for interpreters and compilers. I'm expanding my skills in machine learning and deep learning with C++ and Python, and I'm proficient in bot frameworks like Discord, Telegram, and Twitter.


Tech Stack/Languages:

    SciKit Learn

FA-RNN was my chosen final Project for my NLP class. I did this project with a partner. The project was to utilize an Finite Automata Recurrent Neural Network to classify various datasets. This initially required creating finite automaton for the dataset then encoding the FA as an RNN

Ai Or Humans

Tech Stack/Languages:

  • Javascript
  • Firebase Hosting

Ai Or Human is a web app that presents a user with two images, one made by Ai and one made by Humans. The user is then to select which image is made by Ai to move onto the next level.


Tech Stack/Languages:


    * An in-house declarative programming language


Brouhaha is a minimal Racket-like programming language being developed within HARP Lab, I am responsible for the interpreters and compilers

Ahh Cryptocurrency

Tech Stack/Languages:


The ahh Cryptocurrency is a small currency created in Python with all the abilities of Cryptocurrencies such as a blockchain and the ability to mine. This Cryptocurrency is not live nor listed but can be ran locally if needed.

File Share

Tech Stack/Languages:

File Share was a school project that allowed a user to upload a file and share it to upto 5 emails. The project utilizes Flask, AWS Dynamo, AWS SES, AWS ECS, AWS RDS (Postgres).


Tech Stack/Languages:


PythonDrive is a python wrapper for the Google Drive API. I started creating PythonDrive to abstract the process needed to connect to the Google Drive API. There are a lot of Python based Google Drive API wrappers out there but I am hoping that the simplicity, ease of use, and targetization of PythonDrive will set it apart from the rest.

Iron City Experiences

Tech Stack/Languages:

Iron City Experiences was a project done within the UAB Collat School of Business Entrepreneurship Program as part of the Blazer Hatchery and Hackathon. My team created an app to showcase Birmingham, Alabama's historic sites and attractions. The app was built using the platform and Firebase Hosting. The app also placed 3rd in the competition.

UAB Green Initiative Website

Tech Stack/Languages:


UAB Green Initiative Website is a website that aims to educate the public about the environmental impact of waste and recycling through the UAB Green Initiative Group. The current website was built by the previous web coordinator, however, I currently maintain it as the new web coordinator. The website was built using the Wix platform.

Main Site

Tech Stack/Languages:

The projects page was created to showcase my personal projects. This website is my first fully created project. As you can see it runs on one certain design principle.

The Cajun Cleaver Site

As a technology advisor to a small business in Hoover. I am responsible for the upkeep and maintaince of the business site.

  • Wordpress
  • High traffic source
  • Easy to use
  • A starting point

Python Ceaser Cipher

Given the challenge of writing a simple ceaser cipher in Python. I took the challenge and produced a simple program. Consisting of:

  • 33 lines
  • Usage of the Scanner class to get user input
  • Easy to read
  • Easy to edit and write a decoder for if needed

Java Ceaser Cipher

Going off my Python Ceaser Cipher I decided to write an implementation of it in Java as well.

  • 24 lines, 23 lines no whitespace
  • Zero dependencies
  • Easy to read
  • Easy to edit and write a decoder for if needed



    Firebase Hosting and Storage

CleanHoover is a city sponsored community organization. I currently serve as the Head of Technology with the tasked responsibility for full maintaince and upkeep of the site. The site was created using a minimal html template and is currently being hosted on Firebase hosting.

Computer Generated Art

Using the P5.js library, I am experimenting with canvas rendering on the browser for potential future project use and JavaScript pratice. There will be several installments of the Art project all found under number here).

MDot News


    Firebase Hosting

Formerly Used:

    Firebase Functions


MDot news was born out of the need for a faster way to digest news data. Featuring the days top headlines. You are given a quick description, author info, publisher info, but the most important is the media bias rating. I believe the power of the news should be within the people and the best way to do so is to give the people the tools to know what their chosen news source believes in. The first iteration focuses on media bias.

SEO Optimization

A Google Search yields 10 results. SEO optimization is me trying to capture all 10 results under the keyword "Michael Gathara". So far it has yielded 6 out of 10 on Google and an impressive information panel on Bing. With a capture of the first search result on Yahoo, Bing, Google and Duck Duck Go. Currently, a Google search yield about 10 results without the need to go onto the next page. I am working on a way to capture all 10 results.
I plan to capture all 10 by end of 2020.

I also plan to capture those of:

2021 Update: I have captured all 10 results on Google, DuckDuckGo and Bing.